In-Class Thoughts

So, Poetry & The Other Arts is a very interesting class, however it is also a seemingly relaxing time to write a post here on wordpress. 🙂 When I first decided to start a blog during my time living abroad, it seemed like an ideal way to capture the progression of my time here. However, I’ve found it very difficult to keep up with the spontaneity of life over here—- if I worry about updating it regularly.  So, for those interesting and kind people who have taken the time to check my blog daily- THANK YOU for the encouragement! Blogging is new to me and I am still learning the art of how, what, when to post something that is worth a read. It’s officially been one month since I arrived in Luxembourg and I feel adjusted to my surroundings and my regular routines with classes. I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by and unfortunately, I know it is only going only get faster.  Tonight, I am off to the UK! I am staying until Monday and I am very excited.  Pictures, and a video soon to post!!! My professor is requesting we do work now. Goodbye for now!! xxx

“Ooooh Aaaah”

This Erasmus program has made me look at diversity in a completely different perspective.

When meeting someone new, the first question to break the ice is:

“So, where are you from?”

Some answers have been: Hong Kong, Italy, Spain, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Turkey, etc.

My facial expressions of awe definitely give away that I’m thinking “wowww that’s so cool”- after they tell me because then usually they laugh and ask me where I am from. (So pumped that maybe my accent doesn’t always give it away!!)

And mostly every time when I say I am American I receive:

“Ooooh America.” Or

“Wow…you’ve traveled far.” Or

“I’ve been there before, where in America?” Or

“It’s in my dreams to go there.”

I have even heard, “Why Luxembourg? I would rather be American!”

And every time, I reply, “It’s in my dreams to just be living in Europe again.”

Not just in Europe, but, in Little Luxembourg, where magic was once real to me as a child and where I can travel and explore endless opportunities.

I just think it’s fascinating that people can fantasize about each other’s lives when in fact we are truly living almost the same, just in a different time-zone, a different continent, and a different atmosphere.

I love the “Ooohs and Aaaahs” when people talk where they want to visit and when they speak of traveling to new places.

I also love when people are proud of where they are from.

We’re all in this little globe together!


Maggie xxoo

Moving ‘Back’

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After a long, hard day of paperwork.

Ever since my dad and I first landed across the pond earlier this week, things have been extremely busy for us!  Aside from catching up with old friends, there were SO MANY required documents to sign, fill out, and complete.  I am so happy my dad was with me for that process because it was rather complicated… do not let the picture above fool you.

But now, I officially have my resident’s permit to live here again!

Even though I am sad to say goodbye to my dad soon, I know I will not ever feel homesick because of the endless loving hospitality from old friends that truly makes Luxembourg feel like a home-away-from-home for me. I feel like I moved-back, rather than ‘moved-in’ again.

302 to the 352

Monday- February 9th, 2015.


I am very lucky to have my dad accompany me during my first week of moving in. My first day of classes begins on February 26th, so I have time to settle in. We will be visiting familiar places together from childhood memories and reunite with old friends. I am most excited to go for a run around Parc Belair with him… also to see our old house and neighborhood. OH, and of course, walk through the Old City and sit down for some chocolat chaud.  Stay tuned for pictures and updates! Ă€ BientĂ´t !! xxx